Okay...so this week I have been doing a lot of sewing and catching up on baby gifts. (Seems like everyone is having one these days!!) Anywho...I have a good friend who just had her 4th baby, a boy! He is super cute too! Well, by the time you have your 4th kid, (3rd boy for her) you would think that you have pretty much everything you would need. So as I thought of what to get the little guy, I was walking through our local Hobby Lobby (love that store) and I saw some BYU fabric. Then it hit me..they are totally huge BYU fans. So then I came up with this....
It's got some soft minki, and ribbons to play with!! I quickly drew up the letter "Y" leaving room for seams and everything, then put it with as few other baby things, and tadah! Unique personal baby gift that I am sure she won't get from anyone else.
I have been making these, what I call little "blankie buddies" for quite some time now. They are super simple. Here's how...
Find or draw a simple picture, whether it be a owl, an octopus, or a plane. (Make sure it's slightly bigger than what you want your final size to be.) Cut out the fabric and pin the ribbon to the right side of the fabric, sandwich with minki right side down, then sew inside out leaving just enough room to turn right side out, and stitch again for security!!
Okay, so I am not very good at describing how to do things, but I promise I will get better!
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