I don't know about you, but have you ever seen something and instantly been inspired? Well I recently was...I found 9 yds of this lace trim for just $3. So I quickly though of this, and mind you I can NOT draw at all!
(Don't mind that Lucy drew on it and wrote her name so I would know the dress would be for her! Silly girl!)
I thought this would be the perfect Holiday dress that could be worn year round! (That's my favorite kind of Holiday Dress!)
I found the exact material I was looking for. Score! Once the material got here, I got to work! Here is the final product!
Sometimes when I make my own patterns it works, sometimes it turns out horribly wrong. Luckily this time it turned out just how I had pictured, and I kind of love how the bodice looks like a tuxedo!
And the look of the alternating fabric and lace.
Best of all Lucy likes it too. And I was able to do a lot of things I had never done on a dress before, like the collar, the pleats and the lace on the bodice!
It also meet the twirl and curtsy requirements too!! ;)
Whats your little girls must haves?
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